Friday, April 11, 2008

So much for Global Warming...

I was talking with my good friend Lindsey today...we totally don't agree that Global Warming is a problem... she lives in NYC and I live in Milwaukee- we are in the middle of April and its freaking 40 degrees and dreary!!

Here's a funny pic that Joel took last summer in Vermont. We were just walking the streets in Burlington and this is what we saw:

Yep, those are naked bicyclists you see- quite hilarious!!


scott and linds said...

haha- that is hilarious! I think that should be illeagle or something right? crazy! It was SO SO good to talk to you. I love you lady! -)

Kristen said...

That is so gross! Who would do something like that? I would probably have laughed my head off. What did you guys do when you saw them, besides take pictures?

We are 3. said...

We were laughing uncontrollably... Joel was getting ridiculed by a local for taking pictures, but it was too funny and bizarre NOT to snap some pics!