Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Don’t tell Joel, but I am having an affair with a guy named Craig.

Lately I have been spending every waking moment with him and his ‘list’.

The thing is, he just has so much potential!

However, if he keeps playing games with my heart, I might just leave him. 

Wait. Who am I kidding? That’s what keeps me interested.

He’s such a player.


heather said... are so funny!

Colleen said...

Nice. I think I know the guy - lately I've just been passing him by for a more convenient conquest. His initials are D.I. :)

Unknown said...

He IS a player. He's been fooling around with me too! Jerk!

Chelsea said...

He is dissatisfying here in Charleston - charges too much!!! I thought he was supposed to be a bargain!!