Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Not so smart

Today I got gas. No, not the pregnancy kind you are thinking of. I had to pay for this kind-- but only $2.07/gallon!

As I was placing the nozzle in my car, another car pulled up on the opposite side of me (using the same pump) and left his car on while he pumped his gas. It gets better-- he was smoking too! All I could think is "I am going to die! We're going to blow!" I got out of there as quickly as I could and kept looking in my rear view mirror, waiting for the explosion. It never happened.

BUT, come on now, is he really that dumb? Tell me you don't pump your gas with your car running while smoking a cigarrette! Isn't rule #1 to shut off your car and put out your smoke before pumping?


Colleen said...

It would have been even better if he had been on his cell phone, too. They have stickers on the pump that tell you not to pump gas while on your cell. That would have been the deadly combination!

Jessica said...

He's just asking to die...so scary. I think I would have pulled out early. I'm happy you lived to tell about it.