Friday, September 26, 2008

Fitness Friday

No, you are not dreaming- you are looking at a new fitness friday post...

This is UNBELIEVABLE! Please take the time to click on the link. This will hopefully answer your questions as to why you aren't losing weight/seeing changes JUST doing cardio.

Let me know what you think!


josieposie said...

Best Friday post yet! That is crazy after all her training not to have lost more than 5 lbs. I'm convinced!

heather said...

This is amazing!!! I'm so glad that you posted this. I still have about 10 pounds left to loose but I still feel as though i'm just flabby. So now I've got a question for you. I started taking ballet classes again, do you think this will help?

Miriam said...

That was a great article. Gets me all motivated to get out there and interval train... probably not the best thing for pregnancy huh. I'll stick to my slow jog for now. Definately will be taking this advice once I have this baby.