Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Get ‘er done.

I absolutely HATE cleaning but I love a clean house.

Growing up, I was lucky enough to have someone come to my house every week to do the gross stuff, namely the bathrooms. The only cleaning I had to do was put my clothes away that were sprawled all over my bedroom floor. Now, my life is less glamorous and I am my own nitty gritty cleaning lady. Basically, I clean just to get ‘er done.

Luckily I married a man who not only knows how to clean, but really doesn’t mind it. Here’s the problem though: there is really no reason why he ever should have to clean much, at least at this point in our life. I am home {almost} all day. I do have downtime. I actually think about cleaning the bathrooms several times but instead I sit my butt down to read or surf the net.  Before I know it 30 minutes has passed and I think “I COULD HAVE been done cleaning.”  But no. It still awaits me. Haunts me, is more like it. 

So, In attempt to ‘enjoy’ it more I am looking for the latest and greatest cleaning products, tools, gadgets, etc.that make cleaning easier and more fun. I have yet to find any.

I am curious. What do you use to get ‘er done?


heather said...

I have to get some good music playing in the background for me to get pumped to clean. Once I start though, oh I can't stop. I just want to get to the next thing.
Although growing up I was the one cleaning, I don't think it made a difference. I still hate it. You are not alone. It just sucks to clean. :)

Unknown said...

Love Swiffer Dusters. I don't mind dusting at all with them!

Colleen said...

Ugh, bathrooms. I hate cleaning bathrooms. I don't really have any tips to make cleaning the bathroom fun, but I do love Mr. Clean Magic Erasers. Those would ALMOST qualify as fun.

Yours, Mine, &, Crazy Daisy said...

Get rid of stuff whenever possible

DeAnn said...

I think the cleaning lady is a great idea. :)

Amanda said...

I second the Mr. Clean Magic Erasers. Love them. I don't get 'er done much these days either! Sorry, I wish I could be more helpful!

Patten Family said...

I LOVE CLEANING! Joel and I should hang out....actually, he probably cleans better than I do so forget that. I say swiffer Wets are great for the hair-spray tinged bathroom floor and kitchen.

Laur said...

It's called Elbow Greese!
Thats what my grandma R. would say. Anyways here is how I get thru it...
and series from blockbuster. Like seriously I have watched every past season of desperate housewives, gossip girls, greys, prison break, lost, and whatever else. It is my sanity when I need to clean. Or, like I said, books on tape. I am ALWAYS listening to a book on tape. I love it. I don't have time to sit and read, but I am a book person so I can't not read right? So i just request the books I want from the library on tape! Helps me to enjoy cleaning because really I do like cleaning, at least most the time :)

summer said...

I am not a fan of cleaning as well...really any spot, but like you I love a clean place!

Have you ever visited Fly Lady and read some of her ideas? I'm not a fan of everything, but I do like a lot of her principles like 1) don't leave any dishes in your sink when you go to bed...you don't want to wake up to dirty dishes in the morning 2)do a little bit every day - when I actually do this, the days/weeks go by so much better! Also, it's the old adage...if you drop it, pick it up, if you use it, put it away...if it's messy - clean it up right then...why wait? (I'm still learning to actually do all these!!) and then 3) do a daily wipe-down of the bathroom. I'm a huge fan of Clorox or Lysol wipes. I pull those out daily to wipe down the sink/counter and the floor (with 2 boys this is needed daily!), and then once a week I do the heavier things like the tub, floor and deeper clean. It's nice to have children getting old enough to help now...little B loves to clean the bathroom mirror and counters...seriously, he thinks its a blast, and who am I to spoil his fun?

I like to turn on sessions of conference to listen to while cleaning. I find that each time I listen I understand more, and I feel like I get to have a conversation while cleaning...and hear something great at the same time. Or...call someone that you haven't talked to in awhile, and make a goal that while you talk for the 20 minutes you'll have cleaned the rooms/tasks you wanted.

Okay....now I need to go make sure I'm living all these things - I'm convincing myself to be more committed this week!!

Post how things go - I always like to hear what ends up working for people :)