O-O-O-O-O-lym-pics. Blame it on the O-O-O-O-O-lym-pics.
I’m out of my groove. My rhythm. My routine. Call it what you may, but I am out of it. I was mesmerized for 17 days. I got sucked into Bob Costas, the moving athlete profiles, the duh, duh, duh duh duh duhhhhhhhh( NBC’s oly song), and the tight speed skater outfits. Uh, did I say that out loud?
On Sunday after the closing ceremonies (lame, might I add), I even asked Joel if my butt looked wider. I swear it’s flatter from sitting on it so much, but I enjoyed {almost} every second of it.
My favorites were the half-pipe, alpine skiing, and the snowboard cross. I normally like ice skating but the long program proved to be way.too.long. Like 5 minutes too long. I don’t know, maybe I just have a short attention span.
Regardless, I love the spirit of the Olympics. I always have. I love the athletes’ resiliency and perseverance and sacrifice and passion all in the name of their sport and desire to be the best. I love the pride that they exude in representing their country. Mostly, I love that for a couple of weeks, the world is united.
I think we can all learn a little something from the athletes. Secretly, I wish I could be a little more like them. Driven and focused and mentally tough. You know, when the going gets tough, keep going.
And, I’ll admit it. I always have a little twinge in my heart when the flame is extinguished. To me, the flame is a representation of all the good the Olympics embody and to see it go is sad. But, it won’t be long before we see it again and we are ‘lit up’ in excitement. I am really looking forward to the the 2012 Summer games in London. I love London and I love the Summer Olympics. We will be there!
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