Monday, February 15, 2010

Mister Maid

I don’t know why, but I have not felt like blogging. at. all. lately. Maybe it’s because not much is going on in our house that I feel is worthy of a post. Or maybe we are just living our life and trying to soak in the precious moments.  Or maybe I have been lazy.

At any rate, something exciting did happen last week that I am so happy about. I hired a maid. Seriously, you ask? You live in a freakin’ 1100 sq ft apartment and you need a maid? Yep.

The best part of it all is that my maid is a cute boy. Who knew boys could clean so well?

Just in case you don’t believe me, here’s some evidence of him in action:

.Unloading the dishwasher.


.Doing piles of laundry.


.Sweeping the floor.


.Washing the windows.


The best part about it is that he seems to really enjoy it, doesn’t complain at all, and it's free{well, a trade for some boob time before bedtime}. Let’s hope he still likes doing this stuff at 14- minus the boob part!


Colleen said...

So cute! I've been slacking on my blog for a looong time, no worries.

Unknown said...

There are so many inappropriate comments I want to make right now...

Carson is ADORABLE, and it looks like he's finally feeling better. Here's to healthy babies!

Unknown said...

That's it. I'm calling CPS on you.

scott and linds said...

Not only is he a boy, but he's a cute one! Now if only Joel could be your pool man, you'd be set! I love seeing him grow up ;)

Laur said...

i haven't felt like blogging either, it just takes so much TIME! but I need to because its a family journal and all that jazz. Anyways carson is so cute, he looks sooo much like your family.
ps I neeeed you to be my personal trainer like a fish needs water. perhaps you could move back? I know every gym in town would love you, including mine (24 hour fitness) anyways email me sometime sooooon