Saturday, June 20, 2009


Teeth and nursing do not go together! Yes, Carson cut his first tooth last Sunday and every time I have nursed him I pray he won't bite me. Today he did, and it hurt. BAD. What's a mom to do? I still want to nurse him but his little jaw and teeny tiny tooth can do some damage!


Lindsey said...

I heard that you have to scream/yell loud when they bite so they'll associate them biting you with pain. It sounds mean but they have to learn somehow! Good luck!

Linda said...

Good luck! Carter thought it was hilarious to bite me. I know they say not to react, but I would scream every time. Carter thought that was so funny. Samantha did it once or twice, but was so scared when I screamed that she never did it again. Let's hope that Carson is more like Samantha. That was a big part of why Carter got weaned early. I hope Carson is feeling better after getting that tooth!

Megan Kyle and Porter Cross said...

porter drew blood on me... that was the end of nursing. It hurt to even pump after that damage. Good luck!

DeAnn said...

Megan started biting me and I was about to be done but then she stopped. Hopefully Carson will. Megan was a little older so it wouldn't have been as hard to stop nursing (10 months, I think).

Colleen said...

Yikes, that definitely makes the whole breastfeeding thing more difficult. Good luck!

vanessa said...

I know this sounds harsh, but I had a friend who said she would lightly flick her baby in the cheek the first time he did that and then shout out in pain loudly and her kids would never do it again. Good luck! It's usually not too bad for me. I nursed Avery when she had all 8 of her front teeth and there was no biting going on.

Unknown said...

This is going to sound cruel, but it works. Flick him in the cheek, hard, like you would flick a bug off of your shirt. Make sure you do it right after he bites you, then don't let him nurse anymore until the next feeding. He will cry and probably have a red mark on his cheek, but he'll be fine and he shouldn't bite you again. Worked for both of my kids. Good luck!

heidi678 said...

Connor started to get teeth at 3 months and would bite too but they don't know it hurts you, they are just experimenting with their teeth and trying to get a good latch. I called the LC people and they told me when he bites to bring him in close to you "almost like you're smothering them" but you're really not. The lack of air flow triggers them to let go. By the 2nd time worked like a charm and he never bit me again and he has had 8 teeth since he was 5 months! Give it a try, anything could help right?