Yes, its true this little angel above* had a ginormous blowout yesterday morning and then last night when I was changing his poopy diaper- he had JUST POOPED a ton- he pooped on me two more times! To top it off he peed on me too. At least we know his plumbing works well.
Oh the joys of parenthood!
I'm really excited because last night he successfully took a bottle from Joel. Maybe I can escape the house for a little more than 2 hours every once in a while!
Oh, and he's been smiling for almost two weeks now! It melts my heart when he smiles becuase he has been quite sad at times due to his tummy problems. I now know that he is happy and he doesn't hate us. Infact, I think he really likes us.
*Cute outfit courtesy of Chelsea- thanks!
Ahhh, he is so cute. I am glad he took a bottle! Tyler took a bottle when he was two months, but decided a few months later he wasn't going to anymore. Brayden and Lauren never did.
Hi is sooo adorable! One advice- now that he's started taking a bottle, don't go too long between bottles. When Lizzie was 6 months or so there was a few weeks we didn't give her a bottle and after that she wouldn't take one again.
Sooo adorable!! So excited to see him tomorrow!
I agree with the advice on the bottle. Morgan took it fine, until I took a break for the month of January as school ended for me and then poof! She was smarter than the average bear and wanted boobie. Now this is funny, she takes a sippy cup just fine (holding like a bottle) but refuses a bottle. So, make sure you keep him used to it!
He looks even more like Joel when he's smiling! What a cutie!
I hope you've discovered how amazing OxiClean is with baby poop. It was a lifesaver for me.
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