Monday, May 12, 2008


We made it back alive! This was our favorite trip together, hands down! So much to do, so much to see, yet still so relaxing and refreshing. I told Joel that I would revoke part of my previous post and publicly apologize... so Joel, I am sorry for my lack of faith in your planning becuase you did a fantastic job (ego stroke, but also the truth)! Most of our "adventures" were half day- still leaving plenty of time for R&R.
Here are some pics from my camera- Joel has the motherload though- 700 more pics!

Arenal Volcano- This is still a very active volcano- in the day its not much to look at, but we went "lava chasing" at night- you could actually see the bright red/orange lava running down the volcano!

Fresh fruit, gallo pinto (rice and beans), and traditional TICO food- amazing!

Ocean meets rainforest- gorgeous!

Comfy little hammock at our hotel- it overlooked the ocean on the other side.

I know you might all pee your pants in excitement ;) waiting for our other pictures, so I will do my best to get them up quickly!


Unknown said...

You're back! Yay!

We missed you guys!

Can't wait to see all the pics and hear all about your trip!

Colleen said...

Oh so jealous!!! And I can't wait to see more photos. :)

Laur said...

you should go to and upload all your pictures so we can see all of them!
I have been dying to see how your trip went. Can't wait to see more pics!

scott and linds said...

This looks amazing!! I want all the deatails and definatly more pics!!

Vic, Linds, and the girls... said...

Looks like u had a blast!! Can't wait to see all the pics!!

Lyndsie and Daniel said...

What awesome pictures! Looks like an incredible trip.