Friday, May 29, 2009

Catch up.

Carson turned 4 months old on May 21 and is our long and lean, poopin' machine! He did not sleep but 1 hour on his birthday, I think because he didn't want to miss out on all of the excitement. He finally crashed in his swing for a much needed 2 hour nap.
Height: 25.5" (75%)
Weight: 13 lbs (15%)

He also got his shots and they totally tuckered him out. So much so, that he slept from 7:30pm-10:30 am with only one feeding at 5am. I awakened at 5 when my alarm went off with a, "Oh my gosh, is he alive? Joel? Did you get up with him last night?"
Sure enough he slept the whole night, which he has never even come close to doing! We are praying, seriously, that this isn't just a fluke or from the shots, but that he can sleep like that more often.
If you ask in faith with real intent, you will receive an answer, right?

Joel also entered a new DECADE and turned 30 on May 25th. I "surprised" him with a trip to Minneapolis for the weekend. I say "surprised" because a week before we left I sent him an email saying "Pack your bags 'cause we are leaving next Friday..." and well, he did some investigative work and found out where we were going. To make it worse, he got the mail and saw something addressed to me- which he a)never gets the mail and b) never opens anything with my name on it-from Minneapolis and HE OPENED IT!! The little brat opened his Twins tickets too! He is no fun! He cannot keep surprises to himself, nor wait for a surprise. BOO Joel, but I love you anyway. Good thing I had some other gifts up my sleeve for him that he had no idea about.

Anyway, we had a great time in Minneapolis with gorgeously(word??) perfect weather. In addition to the baseball game, we walked the Mississippi River front, went to the Como Zoo and Conservatory, mosied around a cute little farmers market, saw the new Twins ballpark, and went to Minehaha Park. It was a fabulous weekend, minus the car ride home where an exhausted Carson cried for 3 of the 5 hours and FINALLY fell asleep 20 minutes from home. He and car rides have yet to become friends...


To top off our weekend, Carson decided to poop and spit up on me within 5 minutes. We were enjoying Joel's birthday dinner and Carson was on my lap. All of the sudden I felt something slimy on my hands. You can gather what it was. I got up, changed him and cleaned him up and sat back down at the table. Not two seconds later, BLAAAHHH, all over me again! He always keeps things exciting around here!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Lil' Rascal

Yesterday, I thought Carson was doing this: But I found him doing this:

He found his thumb too- completely adorable- and can now fall asleep, sans binky! Hopefully that means more sleep for both of us!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Insignificantly Significant

Since dairy is off limits for me, I am missing some of my most favorite {guilty pleasure} foods: waffles, chocoalte, desserts, ice cream, and cheese, just to name a few. I have been trying to think of anything and everything to satisfy my {poor little, er I mean BIG) sweet tooth. Joel just cracks up at the things I have come up with. The other night I mixed cinnamon and sugar, sprinkled a tortilla with water, and dipped the tortilla in the mix. Desperate? Yes. Ingenious? I think so. It really helped and has now become a staple when I need something sweet. After not drinking caffiene for almost a year, my long lost friends Diet Coke and Diet Dr. Pepper have made guest appearances to satisfy the urge too. When I can, I try to get caffiene free (yuck!), but at this point I will do ANYTHING for one, caffinated or not.

Case in point:
Today I was rummaging through the change in my wallet trying to round up 75 cents to get a drink. Most days, a nickel is quite insignificant. You can't buy much with just 5 cents these days. However, today was different. The nickel meant more to me than it ever has before, because I was 5 cents too short to get my "sweet fix" that I needed oh so badly. I scoured the car looking in the cup holder, the glove box, between seats, under the seats, and checked my pockets once more. I pretty much looked in any nook or crannie for a freaking nickel!! Low and behold, I found one. I was able to get my Diet Coke and it tasted marvelous. I will never look at a nickel the same way again.

There you have it. Insignificantly significant.

Monday, May 11, 2009


We had a week of 'firsts' at our house:

*Carson's first time meeting Pops (my dad)

*My first Mother's Day. I let Joel get in the picture AND hold Carson on Mother's day.

*Joel's first time cooking pizza on the grill. It was delish, if I may say so myself!

*Carson's first time walking

*My first days without dairy in my diet for Carson's tummy sake.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


After I fed Carson this morning he had a major blowout- all down his leg and everything. Good thing it's bath day.

Then, Joel was giving him a bath and they were almost done when I heard, "WHIT, can you come here....FAST?!"

He had a major explosion in the tub too making the bath water bright yellow. Gross.

The best part is, is that Joel got to clean it all up!

I wish I had taken a picture!